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Если вы зашли так далеко, вы играете Roblox Demonfall и вы думаете стать дьяволом и «испытать темную сторону». Не волнуйтесь, мы объясним, как это сделать.
В этом руководстве мы дадим всю необходимую информацию, чтобы знать как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall.
- Купите Robux по лучшей цене и много товаров!
- Как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall
- Controles Roblox Demonfall
- Купите Robux по лучшей цене и много товаров!
- чаевые Roblox Demonfall
- Как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall?
- Где можно поесть в Roblox Demonfall?
- Как сделать парирование в Roblox Demonfall?
- Как восстановить выносливость в Roblox Demonfall?
- Demons NPC
- Contents
- Lower Demons (NPC)
- Combat
- Higher Demons (NPC)
- Dark Thunder Higher Demon
- Combat
- Shockwave Higher Demon
- Combat
- Mini Bosses
- Slayer Hunter (Blue Demon)
- Green Demon
- Axe Demon
- Crystal Demon
- How to become a Human in Demonfall
- Creating a Human Character
- Becoming Human Again
- How to become a Demon in Demonfall
- Creating a Demon Character
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Как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall
Когда ты начинаешь играть Roblox Demonfall, первое, что вам нужно сделать, это настроить своего персонажа. Вы начинаете игру человеком, но в игре есть еще две расы: люди, демоны или гибриды.
Если ты хочешь быть дьяволом, ты должен терять первая битва туториала
Если вы не хотите становиться демоном, вы должны взять катану и сразиться с демоном до смерти. Катана находится рядом с трупом в колеснице и явно показана вам в сцене перед боем.
Как дьявол, игрок может начать другую историю исключительно для этой породы. Истории о людях и демонах отделены друг от друга, и вы сможете завершить историю о демонах, только если станете демоном.
Это вся информация, которую вам нужно знать как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall.
Если вы хотите добавить что-то еще, вы можете оставить комментарий ниже. Надеюсь, это руководство было для вас полезным, и до встречи в следующем. Всего наилучшего!
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En Roblox Demonfall вам придется сражаться за выживание с друзьями или стать демоном с огромными силами. Какую бы роль вы ни хотели выполнять в этом мире, здесь вы найдете все controlесть Roblox Demonfall и советы о том, как играть.
Controles Roblox Demonfall
Купите Robux по лучшей цене и много товаров!
Получите Robux по лучшей цене, купив подарочные карты в Amazon.
Кроме того, у них есть всевозможные мерчендайзеры вашей любимой игры.
чаевые Roblox Demonfall
Теперь попробуем ответить на самые частые вопросы и сомнения, которые возникают у игроков, когда они начинают играть. Roblox Demonfall.
Как стать дьяволом в Roblox Demonfall?
Быть дьяволом позволяет тебе быстрое путешествие между укрытиями. Это большое преимущество, когда дело доходит до создания хаоса и разрушения на вашем пути.
Где можно поесть в Roblox Demonfall?
В каждой деревне есть место, где можно поесть, поэтому, если вам нужно пополнить свое здоровье и выносливость, найдите ближайшую деревню. Помните, что здесь также можно встретить торговцев.
Как сделать парирование в Roblox Demonfall?
Парирование полезно против врагов как в сюжетном режиме, так и в PVP. Чтобы парировать, удерживайте F перед атакой игрока. Если все сделано правильно, вы выполните стандартное парирование и нанесете урон в 2,5 легких атаки.
Как восстановить выносливость в Roblox Demonfall?
Чтобы восстановить сопротивление, удерживайте клавишу «F» на клавиатуре. Это кнопка блокировки, которая защитит вас от атак, но также постепенно увеличит вашу выносливость. Вы также можете пойти поесть в деревню, чтобы восстановить свою жизнь и свое максимальное сопротивление.
Это вся информация, которую вам нужно знать каковы controlесть Roblox Demonfall и его советы по игре.
Если вы хотите добавить что-то еще, вы можете оставить комментарий ниже. Надеюсь, это руководство было для вас полезным, и до встречи в следующем. Всего наилучшего!
Demons NPC
NPC demons randomly spawn at night away from villages and Wisteria trees. Demons can also spawn in caverns. They have a higher spawn rate in caverns, since they are protected from the sun. Each demon will have a randomly generated appearance. Demon NPCs will automatically attack any nearby player or NPC slayers.
Lower Demons (NPC)
Lower Demons do not have access to Demon Arts. They give 30XP when killed. They have a higher spawn rate than Higher Demons, with a chance to drop Demon Horns.
Lower Demons only have access to basic and heavy attacks. Due to how predictable their first basic attack is, you can Perfect Block them until they die. Otherwise, if they block your basic attacks, they won’t guard the next combo you do.
Higher Demons (NPC)
Higher Demons have more health than Lower Demons and have access to Blood Arts. They give 90XP when killed and will always drop a Demon Horn. They only use the first two offensive moves of the Demon Art they have. As well, Higher Demons may suddenly Perfect Block your basic attacks, and will cancel their own basic combos into heavy attacks if you guard for too long.
Higher Demons have a noticeably lower spawn rate than Lower Demons, but will always spawn for specific Slayer Missions.
Dark Thunder Higher Demon
Dark Thunder Higher Demons have access to a leaping attack. Previously, these Demons used the «Dark Thunder» move at close range; however, with one of the more recent updates, this was removed from NPC Demons, making them much easier to handle than before.
With the loss of their close-range grab, it is much easier to fight these Demons. The leap can be easily dodged or guarded, just making them a slightly stronger version of Lower Demons. Bait them into using their leap, then punish it with your Breathing or Demon Art. You can still get them to stop blocking by basic attacking their guard, but this can be unreliable as they now Perfect Block.
Shockwave Higher Demon
Shockwave Higher Demons have Air Type and Explosive Fury as their moves.
Shockwaves Demons can be a nuisance if they’re present in groups. They’ll only use Air Type if you’re farther away, and they’ll use Explosive Fury every other time that they would normally go for a basic attack. You can dodge Air Type, but always dodge farther than you’d think since lag can make you get hit anyways. Explosive Fury can be blocked and punished by a basic combo. Over all shockwave is insanely busted it is likely to get a few nerfs in the next few updates.
Mini Bosses
Slayer Hunter (Blue Demon)
In Final Selection, the Slayer Hunter is an optional boss. He does not award anything for defeating him, but doing so can alleviate some of the difficulty of Final Selection. The Slayer Hunter has extremely long-range attacks, allowing him to harrass the player from very far away. It is recommended to fight him up-close, as his melee attacks can be blocked and dodged easily.
Green Demon
Summoned in the Frosty Cavern by accepting the Green Demon crow quest. He is similar in appearance to the Slayer Hunter, but green instead of blue. They share the same basic attacks, but the Green Demon possesses a very fast charge and AoE spikes that can execute downed players. Defeating him drops a Green Horn required for crafting the Crystal Key. He drops around 220 (possibly 250) XP.
Axe Demon
Located in the White Underground, a cavern in the White Peak. Bigger than other demons, he uses a large axe to fight. Has a AOE leap move, AOE short range slash move and basic axe slashes. Once you’re in close range, continually clicking stunlocks him until death. Defeating him drops a Demon Collar required for crafting the Crystal Key or for obtaining Flame Breathing
Crystal Demon
Found behind the doors in Okuyia Cavern. They are unlocked by using the Crystal Key on a box of crystals. This boss drops the Crystal Essence, used for crafting a custom Nichirin sword. This boss drops 1000 exp and 1000 yen.
How to become a Human in Demonfall
If you want to fight for good and be a human in the tough world of Demonfall then you’re going to need to know a thing or two to make sure that you keep your humanity. This isn’t too difficult to do, but the chance to be demon or human comes very early in the game and you might not realize the importance of what’s going on! We’ll walk you through the process in this guide.
Be sure to check out our Demonfall Codes post to get some freebies for the game!
Creating a Human Character
To become a Human in Demonfall, you will need to first create your character and play through the initial mission of where your family is slain. You must defeat the demon that has killed your family members. If you are able to beat him, you will remain human!
This fight against the demon is pretty much the first thing you do once you enter the game. It isn’t too difficult, but if you don’t know the controls beforehand then you might struggle. If you want to absolutely guarantee you don’t lose, just M2/Right Click the enemy over and over until it is slain. This will take a bit longer, but you will just keep knocking him down and he can’t block the attack. Otherwise, just slash him with M1/Left Click and M2/Right Click when he blocks. Use Q to dash away if the demon is able to get an attack on you.
Once the enemy has been slain, just hit the B key on your keyboard to execute them. If you are successful in this then you will remain as a human, and will not turn into a demon. You can now just move forward in the game, and learn how to become a demon slayer!
Becoming Human Again
If you were too late to become a human/slayer, and you don’t want to be a demon anymore, then you can still revert back and change your character. What you need is a Wipe Potion, which when consumed will completely erase your character and bring you back to the character appearance screen. You can re-roll your family a few times, change your look, and then fight the first demon again! You will not keep anything from your previous character though, so be sure that you want to do this!
To get a Wipe Potion, you will need to head over to the Mysterious Black Merchant who can be found in Hayakawa or Okuyia Village. He sells an Unknown Item for 3,000 Yen, which can be one of three items. One of these items is a Wipe Potion!
That’s everything we know about becoming a Human in Roblox Demonfall. Be sure to check out our posts on all of the Breathing Styles you can learn and all of the Families you can join!
How to become a Demon in Demonfall
If you’re looking to play on the evil side in Demonfall then you’re going to want to go Demon. This race is easy to get, but you will need to do it at the beginning of the game when you first start your character. We’ll walk you through the process of going to the darkside in this game!
Be sure to check out our Demonfall Codes post to get some freebies for the game!
Creating a Demon Character
To become a Demon in Demonfall, you will need to start a new character and fight the demon that has slayed your family. If you are sure you want to be a Demon, then you will want to lose the fight with this enemy. Once you have lost, you will be killed and will revive as a Demon!
Now that you’ve joined the evil side of things, what will be different about the experience? Well, the Red Nichirin Blade cancels regeneration, Demons have different eye colors, the Sun and Wisteria Trees kill demons more effectively. However, if you devour enough humans and reach level 5, you will get a chance to fight for your Demon Art! This will make you a lot stronger, and you can start enjoying your time as a Demon a lot more.
If you want to learn more about being a Demon, be sure to check out this beginners guide:
That’s everything we know about becoming a Demon in Roblox Demonfall. Be sure to check out our posts on all of the Breathing Styles you can learn and all of the Families you can join!